Headline entertainment at it’s best. A real pro at bringing an audience to the point of laughter they didn’t know they had inside them. Frequently, Derrick is told after performances that the most I’ve seen my spouse laugh in years. He grabs the audience the second he hits the stage and takes them on a journey that they were not expecting. A pleasant surprise to an evening of entertainment. Seamless transition from one topic to the next.
Being a natural born mimic, Cameron has the ability to mimic any accent, and several well known celebrities. Disappearing into each character with a commitment to take his routine to the next level. Tantalizing you with not only his funny words, but with his movements and physical agility. Creating a comedy experience from beginning to end that covers the full spectrum of stand-up comedy.
Throughout his career Derrick has had many highlights. Staring in films, television, to performing with musical legends. To venues like the EMP in Seattle, Lincoln Center at the Jazz NYC, and the USS Aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln in the middle of the Persian Gulf.
Do yourself a favor and bring this truly electrifying comedian to your event to bring the funny in his unique and very funny way.

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